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sharp mz-800

This page is mainly about sharp mz-800
Year 1984
ROM 16kB
RAM 64kB (VRAM 16-32kB)
Colors 4
Sound 3 channel, 6 octaves + white noise
CPU Zilog Z80A @ 3.5MHz

There were three versions of this, although one could be converted easily into any of the others.
MZ-811 : The basic model with no built in peripherals. This came with a blank cover.
MZ-821 : With built in 1200-baud tape drive.
MZ-831 : With built in tape drive and printer-plotter.
The tape drive could be substituted for a Quick-Disk (QD) unit. The Quick-Disk was a small, 2.8" disk with sequential access.
The MZ-800 sold in Japan as the MZ-1500 which had a black case, black Quick-Disk unit and slightly different graphics environment.
Last modified: August 26th, 2022
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