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registration (simple version)

Very simple user registration system in Python.
A very simple registration script. It asks you for a username, checks whether the username already exists in the users.csv file before asking you for a password and 'registering' you (by storing your username and password). Simples.

import csv
USERSFILE = 'users.csv'

users = csv.csv2sequence(USERSFILE)

valid = False
while not valid:
  username  = input('Select username            : ')
  clash = False
  for user in users:
    if username == user[0]:
      print('Username already in use - try again')
      clash = True
  if not clash:
    password = input('Set a password             : ')
    valid = True

I've provide you with this script, a csv handling library (mine, not Pythons) and a sample users.csv file.


All third party documentation is provided purely for educational purposes and must not be distributed. If you are the copyright owner of these documents and you do not with me to make them available here, please get in touch.
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Last modified: February 26th, 2022
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