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micro:bit - dot

This page is mainly about micro:bit - dot
This challenge uses the 'game' blocks / commands. There is no game library in micropython, so, whilst it's possible to complete this challenge in micropython, you would have to code the sprite yourself.

BL : Use the 'game' and variables blocks to create a sprite called 'dot' and display him on the screen at position (2,2). When button A is pressed, dot should move left (x changes by -1) and when button B is pressed, dot should move right (x changes by 1). Dot doesn't move past the edge of the display (the game blocks stop this from happening).
BL : Add another event into your script so that you can move dot forward by pressing both buttons together. The only problem is that there is no way of moving him backwards, so, when he reaches the top of the display, move him back to the bottom on the next button press. This allows you to reach every position on the display.

Special Prize! Ask your teacher to give you a copy of some instructions to make a game called 'Catch me if you can' where you use the hardware buttons to move your dot to try to catch a flashing ghost. You've got 30 seconds to get as many points as you can!

Last modified: October 5th, 2021
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