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micro:bit - darlek poetry with micropython

This page is mainly about micro:bit - darlek poetry with micropython
# DALEK poetry generator, by The Doctor
import speech
import random
from microbit import sleep

# Randomly select fragments to interpolate into the template.
location = random.choice(["brent","trent","kent","tashkent"])
action = random.choice(["wrapped up","covered","sang to","played games with"])
obj = random.choice(["head","hand","dog","foot"])
prop = random.choice(["in a tent", "with cement","with some scent","that was bent"])
result = random.choice(["it ran off","it glowed","it blew up","it turned blue"])
attitude = random.choice(["in the park","like a shark","for a lark","with a bark"])
conclusion = random.choice(["where it went","its intent","why it went","what it meant"])

# A template of the poem. The {} are replaced by the named fragments.
poem = [
    "there was a young man from {}".format(location),
    "who {} his {} {}".format(action, obj, prop),
    "one night after dark",
    "{} {}".format(result, attitude),
    "and he never worked out {}".format(conclusion),

# Loop over each line in the poem and use the speech module to recite it.
for line in poem:
    speech.say(line, speed=120, pitch=100, throat=100, mouth=200)

Last modified: October 5th, 2021
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