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algorithms to live by

This page is mainly about algorithms to live by
- In everyday life (1)
- Searching - linear search (2)
- Sorting - insertion sort / bubble sort (2)
- Big data and data analytics (2)

DL Focus : Spreadsheets / Google Sheets
Opening / creating spreadsheets
Entering information into a cell
Editing information in a cell in the cell and in the formula bar
Control column width / cell height
Showing / hiding rows / columns
Formatting cells (borders, shading, font and font colour, text wrap, cell merge)
Construct, enter, edit simple formula
Using simple arithmetic operators
Using the following formulae : SUM, AVERAGE, (V/H)LOOKUP, IF, AND, OR, TODAY, DATE, MIN, MAX, COUNT, COUNTIF

Programming/Algorithm Focus
Scratch Coding / CS First with Google (6)
BBC Microbits (6)


How to fold a t-shirt in 2 seconds : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUZfsohErgY

Birthday algorithm

Last modified: October 5th, 2021
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