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gcse computer science

Teaching and learning resources covering GCSE Computer Science for all major examination boards

GCSE Computer Science builds on what you have studied in the first three stages (from starting Primary School) to give you the grounding so that you can pass formal examinations in Computer Science at the end of Stage 4 (GCSEs). The content of this stage cover the current UK National Curriculum content for Computing.

Before we start, let me ask you a question...

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So you fancy doing Computer Science at GCSE level or even beyond?

Before you start studying for your GCSE in Computer Science, you need to get organised! You will need ...

Notebook/Exercise book ('cause you need to write things down sometimes);
Access to a computer at home (a phone might do, but a laptop/desktop will be better);
Intrinsic motivation to learn (you can't get that from this website however, sorry).

Each section in the course has lots of activities for you to complete and an assessment which your teacher will give you after you have completed the section to measure how much you have understood.

The Stage 4 course is not split into years - simply plan to cover all the topics in the time allocation you have. Each topic has a topic presentation, series of learning tasks, various revision activities and links to extension work.

GCSE Computer Science Course Structure
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The 'big picture' of computer systems including an overview of all the major components with a special focus on embedded systems. Suitable for all examination boards.
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A practical lesson introducing the Python programming environment focusing on the distinction between the programmer and the user, and writing suitable prompts to get user input.
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A detailed study look of the many ways in which data is classified. It introduces the concept of the data type and the need to ‘name’ data in order to identify it. It is suit
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A detailed look at the collective ways in which computer scientists can group data. It is required by all examination boards.
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How denary numbers are represented in computer systems. Introduction to Hexadecimal as an abbreviation of binary. It is required by all examination boards.
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In this topic, you will learn about one of the most fundamental datatypes, strings. Apart from learning what strings are, you will also learn how to find out about them and manipulate th
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During this topic, you will learn how programming languages group data together into simple data structures like arrays (or lists are they are called in Python) or records (dictionarie
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Time to learn about the different mathematical methods that we can use during our programming. Some you will recognise, some you wont.
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The other thing that computer do really well is logic. In this topic, you will learn about different logic operations and the ways in which they are implemented in computer systems and to in
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One more fundamental feature of computer programs is comparison. Comparing things is fundamental to making decisions about what to do next or how many times you want a particular operation to
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There are three fundamental aspects to imperative programming - sequence, selection and iteration. Sequencing is natural - one thing after another. In this section, we look at the second o
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Finally, the third major programming construct, iteration. Iteration is simply a fancy word for repeating something. In this topic, we will look at the two iteration methods built into P
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OK, so we've dealt with input, we've processed until we fell asleep so it's time to deal with methods of outputting data back to the user. If we are careful, data can become inform
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Data security doesn't mean padlocking up your computer. It's all about how to keep the data safe from accidental loss. In this section, we'll consider the need for data security.
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We humans find it easier to navigate through the vast array of data there is out there if the data is structured and easy to manage. Databases provide this functionality - structure firstly an
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Sometimes, there is no point in reinventing methods of solving problems. There are a number of 'standard algorithms' which can be adapted to suite all variety of different problems. In t
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In this section, we look at how we can use computer systems to model real world situations. Specifically, we look at the computational thinking skills or decomposition and abstraction foll
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In this section, we will learn how to use validation and verification routines to help prevent syntax and semantic errors in our code.
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A close look at the ways in which we can authenticate users to prove they are who they say they are.
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There are various different ways of representing algorithms both textual and graphical.
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A detailed look at the principles of decomposition and how we can practically apply these principles in a programming context to help us solve problems quicker and more efficiently.
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Understanding and programming with objects.
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Testing as an exhaustive method of understanding the operation of algorithms and of testing methodologies. In this section we look at what testing is and the methods which can be used to imple
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Analytical look at the purpose of simple algorithms in flowchart and pseudocode format. Introducing and practising trace tables to follow the progress of an algorithm. Introduce breakpoint c
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A number of lesson on programming projects where we will practice creating solutions to problems using all the fabulous programming skills that we have learnt during the course.
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This unit is designed as a reference for software development and as such does not have many tasks. However, don't panic - you'll still use all the skills herein defined in the future un
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Before we focus on the Binary number system, we need to understand number bases. This topic looks at the meaning of number bases and exercises using binary, octal, denary and hexadecimal
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We are fairly comfortable doing maths with base 10 numbers because that's what we've always done. However, computers do maths with base 2 numbers which, in principle, is just as easy
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A detailed treatment of the storage and representation of images including encoding and decoding methods.
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This lesson builds upon the contents of the previous lesson to include sound storage and sound reproduction methods.
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This lesson looks at different compression techniques.
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A close look at primary storage and how this is used to help the computer keep running.
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The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brains of the whole outfit. In this section, we look carefully at different computer architectures, the structure and role of the CPU, how it
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A synopsis of the different types of computer software.
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Arguably the most important piece of software is the operating system. In fact, without this, there can be no computer at all. Very important then!
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I remember world with no Internet - yes, that time did exist! Nowadays, we take for granted access to a network of computers both locally, in our homes and offices and globally, acro
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It's all very well connecting computers together but how, exactly, do they communicate? In this topic, we look carefully at the different logical methods in which computers can be co
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The TCP/IP protocol stack which enables consistent communication across the Internet (and beyond ...)
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It's a dangerous world out there. In this topic, we look at some of the threats lurking beyond your router.
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It's OK because we have solutions! In this section, we look carefully at how to protect computer systems from network vulnerabilities.
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Computers don't just affect you. They affect the whole World. In this section, you will learn about all the different ways in which computer systems influence, advance and threaten the W


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Last modified: March 21st, 2024
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